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Our Mission Statement


What is the 101 Foundation? 

We are a non-profit Roman Catholic Marian educational organization dedicated to the greater honor and glory of God by spreading the messages of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ through

His Blessed Mother Mary. 

We do this through education and pilgrimages.

We promote Roman Catholic devotions, such as:  Apparition messages, the Sacraments, the Holy Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, use of Sacramentals, and much more.  Our main apparitions of promotion are Akita, Japan - (where a statue of Our Lady wept exactly 101 times; thus, the 101 Foundation takes its name after the Akita apparitions) - Fatima, Portugal - Lourdes, France - and Garabandal, Spain.  We carry on a number of mini-retreats, and provide a small center for meetings, and conferences, exclusively for

Roman Catholic groups, (i.e.-a Carmelite third-order has monthly meetings in our facilities.)

We also offer books and other forms of media and Catholic religious articles to help further spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ & the Catholic faith.


Our History


The 101 Foundation was established on

May 13, 1989 by our Founder & Director,

Dr. Rosalie A. Turton.

Dr. Turton is a SUNY graduate and former administrator in Higher Education  of the State University of  New York, College at Buffalo in Buffalo, New York.  Her passion for Jesus and

His beloved Mother led her to this work. 

At the start of this endeavor, Dr. Turton worked closely with Mr. John Haffert & was on the

Board of Directors of Fatima Travel in

Washington, New Jersey. 

Mr. Haffert (now passed on) was the

co-founder of the

World Apostolate of Fatima

Our Lady's Blue Army Shrine in

Washington, New Jersey.

At about that time, Bishop John S. Ito of Niigata, Japan asked John Haffert that the Blue Army

become the Akita Center of the United States

for the purpose of spreading the Akita messages,

which he had approved in a formal pastoral letter. 

Since Mr. Haffert had resigned as the director

of the Blue Army, and since the present

administration of the Blue Army (at that time)

had chosen to have the Blue Army concentrate

only on the Fatima apparitions, another

organization needed to assume the Bishop's request.

This is how the 101 Foundation was born!

Dr. Turton had just edited two new books by

John Haffert about the apparitions of Our Lady

at Akita, and since a publisher needed  to be obtained,

it seemed wise and appropriate to publish and

distribute this type of information about

Marian apparitions ourselves.

Dr. Turton then sold her home to obtain the

funds to come to Warren County, New Jersey

to work for Jesus and Our Lady.

This is how the Mission began & continues today!


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